Preparing now to support communities during a crisis
Ritchies Supermarkets embody community spirit and their Giving Account with Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation enables your care for the community to go towards disaster recovery.

In 2008, Ritchies established the Giving Account to provide support during disasters such as fires
and floods. The Ritchies Emergency Relief Disaster Fund has now provided over $850,000 in grants for emergency relief.
Last year, this included $36,000 towards the NSW Floods and an extra grant of $14,000 from the Foundation. Ritchies also supported The Salvation Army Emergency Services teams who assisted 10 evacuation centres, and together with 315 volunteers, provided 5000 meals to impacted residents and first responders. As the
emergency response transitioned to recovery, The Salvation Army personnel and volunteers assisted in distributing financial support to impacted residents.
Ritchies community giving has a proud tradition that goes all the way back to the founder, Thomas Ritchie, who funded a penny for every pound for local community groups. This year marks 30 years since Ritchies modernised community giving with the launch of their community benefit program. To date, almost $54 million has been raised. Ritchies Community Benefit program provides customers a way to participate in community giving and to nominate charities for their support.
James Cameron, Company Director of Ritchies Stores, explains why Ritchies set up the disaster relief fund.
“When a national or international disaster or incident occurs, we need to act fast to make a difference. Ritchies decided to support the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation to build up funds and have access to support in a hurry. Whether it be the Victorian bushfires, NSW floods, or, in past years, farming drought support, we want to help where we can. The Foundation is an independent body that administers the funds and directs them to the best possible places.
“We know any funds donated to Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund will be sent to the most effective place to be used.”
James also values the auditing and transparency of the process. “It gives us even more comfort that the money is well spent.”