Backpack Bed for Homeless
At Ritchies, we are proud to support Backpack Bed for Homeless. Thanks to our partnership, street-sleeping individuals without shelter can now have all-weather protected Backpack Beds and fire-retardant polar fleece sleeping bags, ensuring they have a safer and more comfortable place to rest.

This year 45,800 Australians will sleep on the street, under bridges and worse (ABS 2021). Thanks to your help - we provide street sleeping homeless people with no shelter, dignified all weather protected Backpack Beds and Fire Retardant Polar Fleece Sleeping Bags. You are amongst a special group of caring and compassionate organisations and individuals who we rely on to offer people sleeping rough a sense of dignity, a lift in self-esteem and protection against the elements. Via 900+ charities across Australia over 37,000+ Backpack Beds and 19,000+ Fire Retardant Polar Fleece Sleeping Bags have been distributed to street sleeping homeless people. The success and demand of our homeless program continues to be overwhelming. Again, thank you for partnering with us to make a difference to the lives of homeless without shelter.