McCain Buy any meal and we'll donate one
In June, thanks to your support, we donated 37076 meals!
Terms and Conditions
1. This activity will run from 12:00am 1st June 2024 and ends at 11:59pm 30th June 2024 (Period)
2. For every McCain Frozen Meal* purchased at any Ritchies IGA stores (inc. online) during June 2024, McCain will donate one McCain Frozen meal to Foodbank to help people in need.
3. The specific Participating Products donated will be agreed between the promoter and Foodbank, being McCain Red Box Roast Chicken and Red Box Roast Lamb frozen meals.
4. The total number and value of Participating Products to be donated will be no less than the total number and value of Participating Products sold in Ritchie’s supermarkets during the Period, determined based on the sales data provided by Ritchie’s supermarkets. The total value of Participating Products donated will be determined with reference to their recommended resale price.
5. The donation of Participating Products will take place over a period that is suitable and manageable by Foodbank based on their Frozen storage capabilities.
6. The promoter of this activity responsible for the donations to Foodbankis McCain Foods Floor 10 616 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, 3004 Victoria Australia. For enquiries use the promoter’s consumer services hotline (1800 065 521).
7. Foodbank is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.