Animal Welfare League

THE Animal Welfare League of Qld takes care of approximately 10,000 strayed and abandoned animals annually from South East Queensland. The AWL receives no Federal or State Government funding for welfare work, relying predominantly on the community for support.

The AWL specialises in the care, shelter, and rehoming of dogs and cats. Since 1959, the AWL has opened its doors and hearts to all companion animals in need. As well as providing on-site care at its two Rehoming Centres the AWL has a fostering and rehabilitation program that is second to none. We also operate two community vet clinics offering low-cost vet services to the public; one at Coombabah, the other at Ipswich.

As well as a high focus on rehoming, the AWL continues to increase community awareness about how to end the tragedy of pet overpopulation. Our goal is to bring an end to the euthanasia of healthy animals in Australia through legislative changes, education and awareness.

The AWL cannot continue its welfare work, caring for homeless animals, without the financial support of the community. The direct costs involved in the rehoming of each animal are approximately $500. This cost does not include the support staff that maintain the organisation, allowing the AWL to keep its doors open, or the veterinary clinics, which provide charitable veterinary care to the public.

The Animal Welfare League exists to:

  • Find safe and happy homes with responsible guardians for as many abandoned cats and dogs as possible
  • Achieve zero euthanasia of all healthy and treatable cats and dogs
  • Prevent the birth of unwanted kittens and puppies
  • Improve humans' attitudes toward all animals through education
  • Improve the living conditions and treatment of animals in shelters and pounds
  • Find a positive solution for unowned cats
  • Raise the value of animals in society so that the intrinsic needs of each species are recognised, respected and met

We Believe:

  • Each and every life is valuable
  • Zero euthanasia of healthy and treatable companion animals is achievable
  • Cruelty is unacceptable
  • All animals deserve kind treatment
  • Every cat and dog born has a right to live happily in a loving, responsible home

Our Values

We believe that by working in harmony with integrity, optimism, initiative and innovation, we will achieve respect for all animals according to their individual needs and nature.

Phone: 07 5509 9036
Address: PO Box 3253, Helensvale Town Centre Qld 4212
Shelters: The Sanctuary, Shelter Road, Coombabah, Qld 4216
Staplyton Shelter,Rossmans Road, Staplyton Qld 4207