Ritchies Produce Price Per Serve. 

On Wednesday the 13th of March 2024 Ritchies will launch a world first by displaying price per serve on all price tickets for all produce lines sold per KG 

What is Produce Price Per Serve?

Ritchies in conjunction with Monash and Deakin Universities have been doing a study for the last 5 years on the impact of pricing of Produce and the best way to show a customer that fresh produce is cheaper than a chocolate bar.  In particular to improve school children’s lunch box choices.

Why are we doing this?

This launch aligns with our direction of supporting our customers to live a healthier lifestyle.

You genuinely want to improve how you live and eat healthier. Health authorities recommend that all adults should eat 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables every day to live a healthier lifestyle. A serve of fruit is 150 grams, and a serve of vegetables is 75 grams.

Our role to support our customers

We need to support all our current Ritchies customers through this change to make it as easy as possible for them and sell the benefits of the produce per serve price tickets. A big one is explaining what a serve is and why we are making this change. 

Information on the recommended serves per person can be found at www.eatforhealth.gov.au Ritchies uses an average for per serve pricing however there are some differences for Adult v Children and Male v Female quantities. 

Find the calculators here https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/eat-health-calculators to estimate your energy needs, nutrient requirements, and daily servings from the five food groups.

The benefits to you will be
  • All our stores will show a price per serve for Fruit and Vegetables sold by KG. 

You can now identify how much a serve of fruit and a serve of vegetable will cost. It is in everyone’s best interest to promote healthier living. Showing a serve will let the you know the cost of the actual serve you consume at home. 

  • Understanding the price between Produce and a chocolate bar 
You can access the comprehensive white paper on this topic by clicking the document. 
Click here to download the Monash University Media release

CEO Announces Exciting New Initiative

A Comprehensive Overview

In-Depth Interview with Industry Expert

Example for vegetables

1 serve of veggies = 75 grams 

Each kilogram of veg contains 13 x 75 gram serves. 

If potatoes cost $1.99 per kg, then: 

  • a single 75gram serve will cost 15c. 
  • $1.99 divided by 1000 grams times 75 grams (1.99/1000x75=.15) 
  • 2 serves will cost 30c [2 x 15c] 
  • 4 serves will cost 60c [4x 15c] 

Example for fruit

1 serve of fruit = 150 grams. Each kilogram of fruit contains 6.7 x 150 gram serves. 

If pink lady apples cost $5.30 per kg, then: 

  • a single 150gram serve will cost 80c. 
  • $5.30 divided by 1000 grams times 150 grams (5.30/1000x150=.80) 
  • 2 serves will cost $1.60 [2 x 80c] 
  • 4 serves will cost $3.20 [4 x 80c] 

You can now see in real time the price of a serve versus other products in the store. 

For example, if a 3kg bag of oranges is $6.99 then a serve would be .35 cents (which is about a medium sized orange). This is a better price and healthier outcome than a chocolate bar for $2.00.

Frequently asked Questions and Answers 

Q1. Why is Ritchies introducing per serve pricing? 

ANSWER: There are three reasons. 

1. Eating the recommended intake of fruit and vegetables has health benefits. Ritchies wants to help Australians to achieve these targets. 

2. In tough financial times, where every dollar counts, per-serve pricing makes it simple for customers to understand how much they need to buy for one servicing of fruit or vegetables and how much it will cost them. 

3. It’s also a helpful way for customers to compare the costs of a single serve fruit (or veg) with the cost of a single serve of other snack items. 

Q2. How many serves of fruit and vegetables does an adult need per day? 

ANSWER: The current recommendations for adults are 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables. 

Refer to the Government website www.eatforhealth.gov.au 

Q3. How many serves of fruit and vegetables does a child need per day? 

ANSWER: It varies by age. The younger the child the less serves required. 

Please view this information on the per-serve pricing part of our website. 

Q4. What is a recommended fruit and veg serving size in Australia? 


  • 1 serve of veggies = 75g 
  • 1 serve of fruit = 150g 
Q5. What does a 75g serve of veggies look like? 

ANSWER: As a general rule of thumb a single serve of veg is approximately: 

  • ½ a medium potato, 
  • 1 medium tomato, 
  • ½ a medium Carrot 
Q6. What does a 150g serve of fruit look like? 

ANSWER: As a general rule of thumb a single serve of fruit is approximately: 

  • 1 medium apple, banana, orange, or pear. 
  • 2 small apricots or kiwi fruit. 
Q7: Where do these recommendations come from? 

ANSWER: The recommendations come from the Australian Government. 

The recommendations were developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Department of Health Aging. 

Q8: Why don’t things like cabbages, avocados and Cauliflower have ‘per serve pricing tickets? 

ANSWER: Per serve pricing tickets ONLY appear on fresh fruit and vegetables that are sold with ‘per kg’ prices. These items are sold each and the weight can vary. 

Q9. How can I work out how much it will cost to purchase the number of serves that I need? 

ANSWER: You can multiply the cost per serve by the number of serves you need.